Jazz Popups (Free)

Jazz Popups allow you to add special announcements, messages, tips, offers on your homepage or every page of your wordpress website. You can add text, image or video.




  • Fully customizable content(Text, Video, Image);
  • Seven different animation styles;
  • Responsive layout;
  • Ability to display popup for both logged in or non logged in users;
  • Works with any WordPress theme;
  • ON/OFF Indication


Jazz Popups allow you to add special announcements, messages, tips, offers on your homepage or every page of your wordpress website. You can add text, image or video.


  1. Upload jazz-popups folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


= I added image or text or video but it doesn’t display?

Please make sure that you click on update button after adding your content. Also, please make sure pop up is on.

= What does green and red circle mean?

Green means popup is enabled and red means pop up is disabled.

= How can I change popup color?

Click on Appearance on the right side, it would show color, please select color and don’t forget to press update button.

= Do I need to press update button to see Preview?

No, you can see changes in preview without clicking on update button.

= Can I add custom height width in video embed code?

It won’t work, by default Jazz pop up takes only 480px width for video and adjusts height accordingly.